You do not have to know how to build web pages to use HTML or
HTML-Lite in your messages. Generally, you can use HTML or HTML-Lite
to "dress-up" your message with text enhancements such as bold,
italics, changing font
sizes, font colors, font faces, and text alignments (left, center, right
and justified text).
However, other enhancements that might be used—such as numbered
lists, bulleted lists, tables, and forms—are currently not supported
by HTML-Lite (or the AOL mail reader). To address this, messageREACH
lets you submit an HTML-Lite version of your message for your AOL
users. See
Can I use HTML text with inserts?
Yes, you can use inserts in HTML or plain ASCII text messages.
Can I add color and fonts to a text message?
Only if the text is rendered and saved in HTML.
What kinds of files can I attach and send?
You may send any type of file you wish! This includes files that are
not documents, such as sound and video files (.wav files, for
example). Keep in mind that these files can be very large. Sending
them as pull files may be a better way to distribute
them, since that service allows the recipient to decide whether to
download a specific file. Also note that many mail systems will
now not pass files ending in certain extensions thay may harbor
viruses, such as executable files with exe extensions, visual basic
script files with vbs extensions, and others.
Is there a size limit for file attachments and/or messages?
messageREACH will tell you if your messages are "too big" for the file to
be distributed as an attachment (if it exceeds the 1 MB default). In that case,
you can send it as a pull file. This is a more efficient way of getting your
message out, and you are less likely to annoy recipients with large mail items.
Also, keep in mind that some Internet Service Providers place restrictions on
files over a certain size (such as 1 MB) and will not deliver files that exceed
this size.
Additionally, a default size of 50 MB is permitted for the total bytes
sent (the sum for all destinations). If you wish to exceed the
defaults, messageREACH Customer Service can increase them for you in
your User Profile. However, when a default is exceeded, your message
may nonetheless be temporarily placed in an error queue which Customer
Service can further override to launch a distribution for you.
Can I place inserts in my attachments?
Yes, inserts can be used in plain text and HTML attachments. Inserts
cannot be used in attachments of other file types.
Can I place a pull file or Click-TO reference within an attachment?
Yes, as long as the attachment is a plain text or HTML file, you can
embed a pull file link or Click-TO link using the standard syntax.
After I send a message, the pull-file links for some recipients are
not clickable. Why not, and what can be done?
Some mail services and e-mail readers do not properly display the
Web-based URLs that are placed in the message body and used to
identify and download pull files. If the recipient cannot activate
these links, the recipient can nonetheless obtain the files as
Copy the URL information to the clipboard.
Paste it into the browser's URL field (called
the "Address" box for Microsoft Internet Explorer users; "Location" box
for Netscape users; "Web address" for AOL® users).
Press the Enter key on the keyboard.
Who creates my pull files?
You create these files and submit them with your messageREACH job. messageREACH
stores the files, creates links to them, and adds the links to the message body.
(Recipients click the links to request the files.)
Why do pull files have to be posted on your system?
Hosting pull files on the messageREACH system frees-up your system for other
tasks. Plus, it allows messageREACH to handle—and notify you of—all
remove requests, and it forwards any other replies to you. In addition, it keeps
track of recipients who request each pull file and reports these results to
Can I send a follow-up response to all recipients who downloaded pull
files and/or "clicked to" my links?
Yes. Request a pull report. This report indicates which files were
requested and/or which links were clicked-to by each recipient
address. Use this information to create an address list to be used
with your follow-up message.
Can I place a pull file or Click-TO reference within another pull file?
Yes, as long as the original pull file is a text or HTML file, you
can embed a pull file link or Click-TO link using the standard syntax.
Can I check the status of my messages or e-mail campaign from your Web
Yes. You can get a report at any time.
How do I get a report?
Click Status, located on the left panel of the messageREACH Web site once you
are logged-in. First, follow the instructions to locate the job and submit a
query. Then, once your job is listed in the Activity Summary, click the Job
Number to request a report.
You will automatically receive a report when your messageREACH job expires.
Interim reports can also be sent to you on a scheduled basis to inform you of
job progress (messageREACH Customer Service sets this up for you in your User
Can a report be e-mailed to a different address or addresses?
Yes. Request a report from the messageREACH Web site and you can specify the
e-mail destination (can be a list or an e-mail address) to which the report
will be sent. Otherwise, your reports are sent to the report address in your
User Profile.
Why does a detail report sometimes arrive as an e-mail attachment,
while at other times I get a pull reference to click for the report?
The way the report arrives in your mailbox is determined by its size.
Since large e-mail messages can be rejected by some users' mail
systems, messageREACH instead makes large detail reports available to
you as pull files.
My message completed very quickly, but when I request a detail report,
it says that it is an "Interim" detail report, as if the job is still
active. How come?
Even after delivery completes, a final report is not typically issued until
the job expires. For messages that do not include pull files, job expiration
is usually 3 days after posting. This allows any additional Internet communications
to be received by messageREACH and communicated to you. For messages that include
pull files, the default is 14 days; the job submission form lets you specify
a different job expiration if you like.
Why can't delivery be tracked to every recipient's mail node?
Not all mail systems respond to a "request to advise" when a message
has been placed in a recipient's mailbox.
How long does it take for a removal request to be activated?
Removal requests are activated by the end of the day that they are
What happens if a recipient requests removal after the time limit for
my message expires?
If you are using the traditional messageREACH From field (with the
R##### sequence), the remove request will be honored. If you have the static
From field, the remove request must be manually handled. If the original
message is not included, the remove request may be placed in as a system wide
If you are using a web based remove link, the link will contain the recipient email address. Therefore it will operate even after the broadcast has expired.
Are separate reports available for removal requests? If so, how do I
get them?
Yes. Request a removal report, listing all your destinations that have
requested removal, by clicking List Services (located on the left
panel of the messageREACH Web site). Then click Removal Report, supply
your e-mail address, and click the button. Be sure to delete these
"removal" addresses from your list(s) so that you don't waste time
needlessly attempting to send to them in the future.
Can the send-a-friend link be used in attachments and pull files?
No, send-a-friend links can only be used in the message body files. The syntax link required for this function (mr_sendafriend) must exist in all body parts (if multiple body parts are input).
Can I limit the number of send-a-friend links any recipient can send to?
You can set the overall limit on how many send-a-friend messages can be sent (call Customer Service to set a limit), but you cannot set a limit based on any one destination. The form the original recipient receives has room for up to 5 friend addresses. The recipient can click on the link again, and get to fill in another 5 addresses. Our experience is that send-a-friend links are not a serious source of spam because each address must be entered manually.
Can friends also use the send-a-friend link? Can this go on continuously?
Yes, the friends can start new chains, that can go through multiple generations of friends. This is the concept behind viral marketing. If you are afraid of the number of friend messages that you will be responsible for - you should not use the send-a-friend feature.
Copyright © 2005, Premiere Global Services. All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means
whatsoever, or stored in a database or retrieval system without the
prior consent of Premiere Global Services. The information in this document is subject
to change without notice.
For information, contact:
Premiere Global Services
100 Tormee Dr.
Tinton Falls, NJ 07724
Customer Service
All titles, versions, trademarks, claims of compatibility, etc. of
hardware and software products mentioned herein are the sole property
and responsibility of their respective vendors. Premiere Global Services makes no
endorsements of any particular products for any purpose, nor claims
responsibility for its operation or accuracy.
messageREACH is a service/trademark of Premiere Global Services.
Adobe is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.
AOL is a registered trademark of America Online, Inc.
Netscape and Netscape Navigator are registered trademarks of
Netscape Communications Corporation. Microsoft is a registered
trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other names mentioned herein
are used for identification purposes only and may be the
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