Use the power of messageREACH to Build and Maintain Real-Time Relational Databases from which you can deliver targeted, personalized E-mail marketing campaigns.
Contact your local sales representative to learn how you can begin building your database. Once you are officially set up as a Subscription Management customer you will provide Premiere Global Services with your customized form, email and optional web pages. Our Professional Services Group will begin the setup process by loading your forms and creating your database. The following steps will assist you:
Step 1: Fill out a customer requirements form with your sales rep
Step 2: Provide all necessary web pages:
Design your HTML form just how you want it, be sure to include all the pertinent questions that you will want to query later. For example, if you are interested in segmenting your database by age groups, be sure to ask your subscribers to provide their age.
You have the option of designing each web page that may appear depending upon a subscriber's action. If you prefer, you can utilize our default templates.
Step 3: Our Professional Services Group will begin to load and test your application which can take anywhere from 5 -10 business days.
The subscription management service is used as an interface within the messageREACH system. You can send e-mail messages to queries within your subscription management database, but not in conjunction with other lists. For example, when testing email campaigns, you will need to sign up as a subscriber and then create a query for your test list. To send to your other lists, you can continue using your messageREACH ID. The difference between your messageREACH ID and your Subscription Management IDs is that SM IDs allow you to send to queries within your SM database, whereas MR IDs allow you to send to local, remote or ad hoc lists.
Modify and Opt Out links.
Each broadcast e-mail message will contain a link that will allow your subscribers to view, modify, or cancel their options within your subscription database. Upon clicking the maintenance link, a maintenance form will appear allowing them to make any necessary changes.
Our Technical Support team is there to provide assistance with database queries and other service related questions. For more advanced assistance your Tech Support representative will escalate your request to the Professional Services Group.